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Career Possibilities You Will Have As A Certified Medical Assistant

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Whether it is an educational facility, medical office, or factory, there are roles that need to be filled with someone who has some degree of professional medical knowledge. Obtaining your medical assistant certification may be one of the easiest ways to step into the medical field in your career, and may not even require that you spend your days at a medical facility at all. Having this certificate makes you a highly sought after candidate in many different employment venues. Here are a few career possibilities you will have as a certified medical assistant. 

Fitness Center Medical Consultant

If you have a passion for fitness, and wouldn't mind being employed in a gym environment, you may be interested in being an on-site medical consultant at a local fitness facility. These places need someone on hand that can help tend to the basic medical needs of gym visitors, whether it is treating cuts and abrasions, checking blood pressure, or just recording weight and body mass index. A medical assistant at a fitness facility is usually set up in their own office space and depending on the size of the facility and number of members, may also be responsible for other on-site tasks. 

Correctional Facility Medical Assistant 

Correctional facilities, whether they are for juveniles or adults, are always in need of medical assistants for help tending to the needs of the inmates or residents. You may be responsible for administering drug tests, handing out medications, and treating minor injuries. The medical assistant in a correctional facility is often responsible for routing patients to doctors or hospitals for further attention when needed and serves the crucial role of keeping inmates' general health overseen on a daily basis. 

Daycare Facility Pediatric Medical Assistant

When you are in the process of becoming a certified medical assistant, you will often have the option of taking special interest in specific areas of medicine, even pediatrics. A certified medical assistant with a specialization in pediatrics is highly prized at daycare facilities. Children are constantly in need of medical supervision, whether it is to check their temperature or assess the seriousness of a bump or bruise. As a medical assistant at a daycare facility, you can expect to be in charge of administering over-the-counter medications or prescription medications when a child is under a physician's care. You will be the go-to person in the facility when children are not feeling well and may be responsible for reaching out to parents when something is wrong. 
